Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Hi everyone!

I am a student from Diocesan School for Girls. I want to raise awareness of protesting that is occurring in Venezuela, Spain. I hope that by the time you have finished reading this post, you get a good understanding of what is happening in Venezuela.

On January 6 2014, when the protests started, actress and former "Miss Venezuela" Monica Spear and her husband, Thomas Henry Berry, were killed in a roadside robbery. Their five year old daughter, Maya Berry Spear, was not killed, but she is now an orphan.


                                                                  Maya Berry Spear


                                                  Thomas Henry Berry and Monica Spear

The protests were more earnest after someone tried to rape a university student on a university campus in San Cristobal.

There have been at least 6,369 protests that have taken place over the last six months, with thousands of student protestors in all of these protests. Most of them have occurred in February and March. The protests erupted largely as a result of Venezuela's high violence rate and crimes, and shortages of basic goods. People have protested in the form of hunger strikes and sit ins to call of policy changes. Clashes with security forces have been frequent, and small groups of protestors are responsible for damage on public buildings and

Nicolas Maduro's government have been disapproved of, for the security forces method of handling protests, for example, security forces have used tear gas and rubber pellets, according to organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights watch.

                                                                     Sit in protest

                                                         Venezuela protest

Now that you have read this, I hope that you are more aware of the situation that is occurring in Venezuela. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Sophie Maxwell
Student at Diocesan School for Girls

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