Thursday, July 31, 2014

What would the protests be like if you were a protestor?

Imagine. Someone, who is unknown to you, commited such terrible crimes. They killed two people, and the daughter became an orphan. How would you feel if you lost both of your parents? Then, someone was almost raped when they were at their university. How terrifying would that be?

But, since Venezuela has high rates of violence, nothing can really stop these crimes. So, what you would have to do is to ask for the policies to be changed, but no one was giving in to your demand. But what if you and thousands of other people got involved. There would be a much higher chance of you getting your way. But still, the government just ignores your demand, and sends security forces to be sent to deal with the protestors.

There is a high chance that you could be arrested, injured, or even killed. You would be starving to death, because hunger strikes would be one of your only options left. You would be so tired, you would love the idea of sleeping on the pavement instead of your own comfortable bed, because sit ins would be one of your only options left, as well as hunger strikes.

You would get into even more trouble if you damaged public property, but this is your way of showing that you would like to have your way. Imagine, government buildings and public transportation destroyed. The protestors would be responsible for this.

Worst of all, you would have had to go through this routine over 6000 times this year.

Well, unfortunately, this is a reality. People in Venezuela are protesting, because their crime policies are very bad. If you can do anything to stop this issue from going any further, do it right now. They need your support. They need PAZ. (peace)

Thank you

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